Intended Parent Spotlights


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Meet M+C: Military/Nurse

Unexplained infertility

“After years of unexplained infertility, we hope to one day bring home the final piece to our little family, waiting in an Atlanta clinic for our match! We cannot describe the gratitude we have for anyone willing to care for our little one for us. Since surrogacy is our only opportunity to grow our family, we appreciate your future sacrifices and compassion. We cannot imagine our world without our daughter, and we hope to bring her brother, James, home to our family.”

Meet S+M: Hopeful First Time Parents

Unable to carry due to diagnosis of epilepsy

“Being kind and considerate of others is important to us. We surround ourselves with people that are optimistic and caring, and we are very blessed to have such an outstanding support system with both family and friends especially during this journey. We are dog people. We love the beach. We have uncontrollable excitement of what the future has in store and how blessed we are to even have this option. Our families are relieved we have made this decision and can now fully celebrate, with no worry, the next step of our lives.”

Meet E+P – Experienced Intended Parents

Medically unable to carry: years of infertility treatment, history of 2nd trimester pregnancy loss

“We have been through hell trying to create a family. We now know the full joy of being a parent and are forever grateful to our first surrogate who carried our little girl. She helped us get to the other side of the pain caused by infertility and pregnancy loss by realizing our journey to becoming parents was not how we imagined, but it was special and perfect just the same.”

Meet J: Hopeful First Time Mom

History of miscarriage and infertility

“My fertility journey so far has been difficult but I’ve never been ready to quit. My dream of motherhood is too strong. Growing up, I imagined that one day I would get married, have children and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for that particular dream to come true. All I want to do now is move forward and try one last time for my dream to become a mother I am hoping to find a match who will allow me to share in her pregnancy experience and be her cheerleader!”

Meet C+E – Hopeful First Time Parents

Medically unable to carry due to a host of health conditions that make it unsafe for E to carry a baby

“It has been my dream since I was a little girl to become a mother. I can still remember when I was only four or five years old when my cousin and I would put balloons under our shirts and run around the house pretending to be pregnant. I can still remember how happy I was at the time. Now, we hope to find someone amazing who is willing to help us. We welcome you to join us on this journey and hope that you will choose to become a part of our family. We are nervous as it is our first time yet thrilled for this to begin!”

Meet R+K – Hopeful First Time Parents

Medically unable to carry after pregnancy loss

“Since the early days of our relationship, we always spoke about the family we dreamed to create. Like most people, we never imagined the struggles we would encounter to get there. On our wedding day, we vowed to make “our home a place all are welcome, and we will fill it with laughter and play, understanding and trust, creativity and imagination, friendship and community”. We hope every day that we get the chance to raise children in our home.”

Meet A+V: Experienced Intended Parents

Hoping for a sibling

“I found out at 17 that I would never be able to carry a child. We both have always loved kids and couldn’t wait to one day start our own family. We understand this journey may not be easy, however the joy this journey can bring is priceless. Our families are large with many young children, and we cannot be more excited to add another one to the family. We went through a wonderful surrogacy journey for our first child, and would love to do it again!”